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17 Winning Projects from DoraHack’s Filecoin Grant Hackathon

On July 18, the voting period closed for the 2021 DoraHacks Filecoin Grant Hackathon. Lasting from May 1 to mid-July, the Round 1 Filecoin Grants distributed $249,000 USD among the winning projects across first, second, and third place. Catch up below with the winning projects to learn more about the projects building the future of the Filecoin network.

You can check out all the applicants here, and watch the projects’ livestream presentations here.

DoraHacks First Place


Box bridges the gap between the Web3 stack and mainstream JavaScript developers.

There are currently two ways to interact with Web3 storage solutions: 1) through a pinning service, or 2) turning the device into a full IPFS node. Box addresses some of the downsides of these methods by creating a third alternative: Personal Server. A personal server is a hardware commodity (like a PC) that is kept at home. It is cheap(er), more decentralized, and more private.

Learn more: Website | Twitter | GitHub

Open Science (Opscientia)

Opscientia is a framework for hosting large neuroscience datasets on IPFS.

Neuroimaging data is being generated more quickly than institutional infrastructure can keep up with. Building on their Open Science Data Wallet — developed at a previous hackathon — Opscientia is researching the backend of how they handle large data on IPFS and integrate it into their data wallet. They have partnered with DANDI (Distributed Archives for Neurophysiology Data Integration) at MIT to test if IPFS can successfully support 2.5 terabytes of brain data.

Learn more: Website | GitHub


Safient manages your crypto secrets securely and conveniently, helping you or your beneficiaries claim crypto assets in times of need without intermediaries.

48% of crypto asset holders have a recovery plan in case of lost information, and only 22% have created an inheritance plan for their assets. Safient is building a secure, trustless, and convenient platform to store critical information needed to recover assets. It also provides a way to transfer and inherit assets by loved ones. Safient relies on IPFS to store safe data and metadata, and to ensure replication.

Learn more: Twitter | GitHub

DoraHacks Second Place

Dweb Search is an open-source, decentralized search engine for IPFS and Filecoin.

The internet needs better decentralized collaboration protocols and incentive mechanisms to protect it from being consumed by tech giants. With Dweb Search, users can add metadata themselves and retrieve search engine snapshots, so everyone can rehost a search engine. Core to this solution is IPFS and Filecoin, which help store much of this critical data. is the first visual dashboard for Filecoin Plus.

Filecoin Plus is an incentive program for useful storage on Filecoin. Through Filecoin Plus, clients can incentivize storage providers to put their storage to work. monitors Filecoin’s on-chain messages and off-chain information. The results are visual data charts, information about notaries and clients, and deal-flow of DataCap for anyone to view.

Learn more: Twitter


Filscan is a Filecoin data analysis center, providing the ecosystem with data services and a data intelligence platform.

Filscan, as a Filecoin blockchain browser, provides real-time data storage status and the operational status of each storage provider, including the current block status of the Filecoin network and status of gas trend which reflect the network congestion or not. Filscan launched in 2019, and has supported the Filecoin network through devnet, testnet, calibration network, and now mainnet. Filscan2.0 has launched, providing data analysis, API interfaces, data visualizations, and other data services to the ecosystem.

Learn more: Website

Time Rose

Time Rose is building the indexing layer of the dataverse.

Time Rose is a bridge between the content providers and the content consumers within the dataverse. It indexes on-chain data and off-chain data (NFT storage, IPFS pinners, Filecoin storage providers, Web2 data providers, etc.).


“Photos” is an open-source, backend agnostic gallery application as an alternative for Google and Apple Photos, written in React Native.

In June, Google stopped its free service of Google Photos. For users, this marks a loss of money, loss of privacy, and loss of confidence. There is no comparable alternative to Google or Apple Photos. “Photos” fills this gap. Designed to have the same UX/UI as Google and Apple Photos, it also gives the users freedom in choosing their storage backend, and works cross-platform.

Learn more: Website | Twitter | GitHub provides free, secure, and content-addressed storage for the world’s NFTs.

NFT.Storage is a service backed by Protocol Labs and Pinata specifically for storing NFT data. NFT.Storage allows developers to protect their NFT assets and associated metadata through content addressing and decentralized storage – ensuring that all NFTs follow best practices to stay accessible long-term.

Learn more: Website | GitHub

SlackBot by Twin Quasar

SlackBot is an AI-powered Slack bot that will notify storage providers based on predictions and on-chain events.

Currently, no solution exists to notify storage providers about on-chain events, including: managing deadlines, deals, FIL transfers, block rewards, etc. SlackBot is a simple bot that sends enriched notifications (block rewards, deals, etc.) and proactive notifications (late Window, PoST submission, etc.) through a native Slack integration.

Learn more: Website

DoraHacks Third Place


EasyNFT lets developers easily access IPFS to store their creations in an easy and secure way through simple code interfaces. Learn more:

Banksy Finance

Banksy Finance is the first AI-driven, pool-based NFT lending platform with plans to lead a revolution in the NFT market.


DeFIL is a decentralized finance platform invented for Filecoin, allowing storage providers and retail investors to participate in more composable and permissionless financial applications within the Filecoin ecosystem.

Five Token

FiveToken provides professional transaction services for Filecoin storage providers, and bridges the Filecoin ecosystem to the rest of Web3 with reliable ID management. Learn more:


IPFSpace is a decentralized storage platform based on IPFS. It uses MetaMask to make data storage easier, more reliable, and highly scalable. Learn more: project demo.


Touchain is a fully aggregated, one-stop NFT creative trading platform that links the physical and digital worlds together to create a Web3 lifestyle.

For more information in Chinese, you can catch up here.

Filecoin is an open-source cloud storage marketplace, protocol, and incentive layer.