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Announcing the Onboarding Innovation Grants Program!

Today, the Filecoin ecosystem is extremely excited to announce a new grants program specifically focused on driving innovation in Filecoin data onboarding. The Filecoin Foundation and Protocol Labs have come together to fund a grant pool to help teams building towards this goal.

To-date, storage providers are storing nearly 1.7EiB of data across many exemplar case studies. This program’s goal is to help: 

  1. increase on-chain Filecoin deal and retrieval payments and settlements, and
  2. bring more high-visibility, high-impact use-cases to the Filecoin Network

We hope that this program will accelerate businesses prioritizing growth in the web3 community. The Filecoin Foundation will also use feedback from this program’s awardees to determine areas for future ecosystem grants, aimed at improving the underlying open source infrastructure to allow these areas to grow and prosper.

Details on how to submit an application are on the Filecoin GitHub Grants repo. The first submission period will be open through July 5, 2024 and teams will be notified of their status before the end of July 2024. We look forward to reading your submissions!

Filecoin is an open-source cloud storage marketplace, protocol, and incentive layer.