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Filecoin Mainnet is Live

Today around 3pm UTC the Filecoin Mainnet went live! 🚀

This moment marks the culmination of years of innovation and hard work. From the early days designing the novel proofs of storage and replication that are fundamental to trustlessly incentivize storage growth, to the advanced systems engineering required to bring such a complex decentralized marketplace into existence, to the amazing ecosystem of tools and projects that have integrated with Filecoin to make the network more powerful and accessible — we have come so far as a community.

Together, you have helped upgrade the web with an open, decentralized, verifiable storage layer. The Filecoin network represents a completely new way to store and retrieve data peer-to-peer – secured by cryptographic proofs to verify data is uniquely stored and replicated over time. With Filecoin, anyone can participate as a storage provider, monetize their open hard drive space, and help store humanity’s most important information. This provides an important incentive layer for IPFS, the InterPlanetary File System - enhancing the existing web3 storage infrastructure already used by thousands of projects and developers.

Building a blockchain is like building a software rocket - and it takes an immense and talented team to make it possible. Huge thank you to everyone who dedicated their time, ideas, and expertise to make Filecoin a reality. 🙏

Special thanks to:

  • 🔍 The researchers and experts from around the world who helped architect, analyze, and refine the Filecoin network and specification
  • 🧙‍♂️ The many open-source developers from communities like IPFS, libp2p, IPLD, Ethereum, web3, and many others who turned the early Filecoin designs into a functional, fully-featured implementation
  • 🌐 The huge, global Filecoin mining community who helped stress-test and improve the implementations to form a robust and growing decentralized storage network
  • 📝 The hundreds of Filecoin storage clients who have created tooling and integrations with Filecoin as the storage layer for their projects, applications, and datasets
  • 🛠 The many ecosystem collaborators who make the Filecoin network more accessible and useful by building user-facing applications, developer APIs, wallets, custody services, network infrastructure, blockchain visualizers, and more
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 The entire Filecoin community who have been ambassadors for the project’s mission and vision for many years!

The Filecoin network has now entered a quiet post-launch monitoring period to ensure the network is operating smoothly. During this time, we’ll be tracking network performance closely while we prepare for Filecoin Liftoff Week. So far, the network is stable and community members are reporting successful operations. 🎉

Get Ready for Filecoin Liftoff Week

Next week, it’s time to celebrate! Join us for Filecoin Liftoff Week, an action-packed series of talks, workshops, and panels curated by the community to celebrate the Filecoin mainnet launch and explore the network’s future. The event takes place October 19-23, 2020.

Whether you’re a Filecoin expert or just getting started, Liftoff is a great opportunity to learn, build, and explore. There will also be some very special guests and exciting announcements, so don’t miss it! You can register to attend here. If you’d like to host your own event or celebration, submit your session today.

Filecoin Liftoff Schedule

Share Your Story (#FilecoinLiftoff)

Building Filecoin has been an epic quest. In preparation for Monday, we’d love to hear your Filecoin stories – from the beginning of your journey with the Filecoin Project to today’s historic milestone, Mainnet Liftoff. Over the past 3 years, this community has confronted many novel challenges – from designing a cryptographically secure proofs system that can efficiently and scalably prove useful storage (SDR); to building and fine-tuning new systems like drand – a new distributed randomness beacon network to ensure Filecoin has a secure and resilient source of randomness; to forming new connections and collaborations at events like DataTerraNemo, Devcon5, Web3 Summit, Filecoin Ignite, IPFS Ecology Industry Summit & more; to building an amazing community of miners, clients, and builders throughout Space Race. We have so many great memories to share – and we want to hear yours!

Did you have an “aha!” moment building your killer Filecoin dapp during HackFS? Did a Space Race community champion help you debug that infuriating error message to perfect your mining setup? Did someone build an amazing tool, feature, or demo that helped make Filecoin Liftoff possible? We want to hear your story! Share your pictures and memories with us on Twitter using #FilecoinLiftoff ❤️

The Filecoin Project is made possible by the vibrant and diverse community that has contributed at every step of the way. You’re a core part of this Liftoff moment, and we can’t wait to celebrate with you starting on Monday during Filecoin Liftoff Week!

Filecoin is an open-source cloud storage marketplace, protocol, and incentive layer.