Filecoin News 15: MetaMask Preview, Filecoin & Chainlink Integration, Truffle's Filecoin Box, and More

Developer Preview: Filecoin in MetaMask
This build of MetaMask is a special developer release that contains early support for Filecoin, based on the upcoming MetaMask Snaps extensibility system. MetaMask is making this special developer build available so that Filecoin developers can start building Web3 sites based on Filecoin.

Filecoin and Chainlink Integration
We’re excited to announce that Chainlink — the industry leading decentralized oracle solution—is integrating with Filecoin — the world’s largest open-source, decentralized storage network — to enable bidirectional connection between the Filecoin Network and smart contract enabled blockchains such as Ethereum. As a result, smart contract developers will have a full Web 3.0 infrastructure stack including blockchains for on-chain logic and state changes, Chainlink oracles for off-chain communication and computation, and Filecoin for decentralized storage and data solutions. Learn more.

Truffle Suite Launches NFT Development Template with Filecoin Box
Filecoin Box is now available in Truffle! Devs can get started with Filecoin Box and have everything they need to create a decentralized art gallery. The Filecoin Box is a template to build, deploy, and transact NFTs, using both the Filecoin Ganache and Ethereum Ganache simulators. With the Filecoin Box, Truffle provides a solid foundation for developers to create solutions for NFT storage and continue bridging the Ethereum, IPFS, and Filecoin ecosystems. Try the Filecoin Box.

The Filecoin Foundation Announces 50,000 FIL Grant to the Internet Archive
We’re thrilled to announce that the Filecoin Foundation has committed 50,000 FIL to the Internet Archive, one of the largest libraries in the world and a key defender of information and accessibility. The Filecoin Foundation’s contribution to the Internet Archive will advance the mission of both organizations to preserve humanity’s most valuable information and improve access to information online. Find out more.

Decentralized Data Markets with Filehive
Recently, Filecoin-based data marketplace Filehive launched its beta app for public use. Filehive is built and maintained by OB1, a dapp development studio that has been behind OpenBazaar and Haven. Filehive is an open source marketplace to upload, maintain, buy, and/or grant datasets. The Filehive project came out of the Filecoin Grants Program and is built on top of Filecoin, Powergate, and Loom. It leverages the Filecoin network to incentivize the storage and licensing of datasets, which are retrieved from the IPFS network. Learn more.

Livepeer x Filecoin Co-Mining Pilot
We are excited to announce that Livepeer is launching a co-mining pilot with Filecoin to enable Filecoin miners to become Livepeer video miners while continuing to mine on the Filecoin network by storing transcoded video data.
The co-mining pilot will:
- Identify the requirements for miners interested in co-mining
- Identify the recommended path for miners interested in co-mining
We are excited to run this co-mining pilot as the next step in the evolution of web3 infrastructure. If you are a miner interested in this pilot or simply looking to learn more about the program, read the blog post.
rust-fil-proofs v6.1.0
CryptoComputeLab has announced proofs release v6.1.0 which contains a number of significant re-factors and performance optimizations. Including the new gpu2 that accelerates the Pre-commit Phase 2 stage of sealing dramatically. More details can be found in their most recent blog post.
Network v11 Upgrade
Network v11 upgrade is scheduled on Apr 12th, 22:00 UTC for accepting FIP-0014, which will allow miners to extend any v1 sectors’ lifetime up to 540 days. More details on implementation releases timelines for this upgrade can be found here.
Thanks for Participating in FIP-0014!
The Filecoin community has completed its first-ever FILPoll, a new tool for surveying stakeholders on improvement proposals and other initiatives. Thanks to the 200+ storage miners who participated in the poll for FIP-0014, which considered whether to allow miners to extend v1 proof sectors to a maximum lifetime of 540 days. Miners voted overwhelmingly to allow extending the v1 proof sector’s lifetime. Now the Filecoin core devs will make a final decision on whether the FIP should be accepted in the network based on the poll result and final security audit.

Join us for the April Meetup, focused on Filecoin Implementations
Filecoin community meetups are an opportunity to meet the people behind the many tools and projects being built in the Filecoin ecosystem. If you missed the March meetup, catch up on the recording and be sure to join us on April 13th at 1pm PST for the next virtual meetup which is entirely focused on the various Filecoin implementations - register here!

Scaling Ethereum, April 16 - May 14
Join Protocol Labs, Ethereum, Chainlink and more at Scaling Ethereum - a virtual hackathon and summit dedicated to upgrading the foundation of Ethereum and ETH2. You will have the opportunity to meet teammates, connect with mentors, solve technical problems and deliver a working project with $50,000+ available in various prizes.

Decrypt Collaborates with Filecoin for its Inaugural Token Season
The first Decrypt token season is launching in collaboration with Filecoin! Decrypt token users earn the token when they read articles, share them with friends, and interact in other ways with the media platform. The Decrypt token will be airdropped to users’ mobile wallets and can be redeemed for Web3 assets. One of the core ideas of Decrypt is to use the Web 3.0 technologies that they cover. Visit the Decrypt token FAQ to learn more about the Filecoin season, including how to set up your wallet and get started on the Decrypt mobile app.
Mint an NFT with IPFS!
Dive into the details of NFT minting with IPFS and Ethereum with the brand new guide Mint an NFT with IPFS on the IPFS docs site. In this tutorial, you’ll get to know Minty, a simple tool that creates IPFS-backed non-fungible tokens on Ethereum. In this workshop, Yusef from Protocol Labs shows how (and why!) to store NFT assets and metadata on IPFS and how to link that data to an on-chain token. If the code overview in the video has you wanting more, the Minty repo is waiting for you to clone it and play around!
Protocol Labs 🛠 Minty Fresh NFTs with IPFS
✊ Get involved!
Head over to the Filecoin project on GitHub and be sure to take a look at the community resources. Ask questions in the Filecoin Slack, discuss issues or new ideas in the community forum, or send us your thoughts on Twitter by following @Filecoin.
The Filecoin blog and our YouTube channel are also great sources of information if you’re just getting started. If all else fails, send a reply to this email, and we’ll help you track down an answer.