Filecoin News 66
Announcing FWS
The Engineering team within the Filecoin ecosystem has reached a significant milestone in the Filecoin Web Services project (FWS). FWS is a set of compute and storage technologies built on top of the Filecoin Network that include various components such as computing, storage, and networking resources that can be used by developers to build decentralized applications. These components are designed to be scalable, flexible, and secure, making the offering suitable for a wide range of use cases.
FVM Dataverse Hack
The FVM Dataverse Hack is your opportunity to build projects that may potentially become core building blocks in the Filecoin ecosystem: either as products that help end users benefit from the properties of decentralized storage network, or DeFi applications for the Filecoin island economy or developer tools that will potentially help thousands of developers build dApps on FVM in the future. To get started, check out the FVM Hackathon Cheat sheet, Request for Startups [FVM edition], and sign up for the hackathon on Devpost.
Filecoin Plus Notary Governance Call
Are you a part of the Filecoin Plus? Get up to speed with the latest discussion around the program that took place on April 25th. The meeting included roadmap updates, collaboration with Filecoin Green and Storage Provider KYC, as well as defining and tracking high quality deal making. Watch a full recording of the call on YouTube.
Waterlily Launches as First Ethical Generative AI Art Platform
Protocol Labs, Bacalhau and the Filecoin Foundation announced the launch of Waterlily, a first-of-its-kind ethical art platform that leverages the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) to enable direct coordination and payments to artists whenever their style is used to create generative images. An alternative to existing image generation tools that often exploit styles, images, and likenesses without proper attribution, consent, or payment, Waterlily introduces an ethical generative AI art platform that addresses key issues around attribution, consent, & revenue for creators in the digital space, recognising and rewarding them for their creative works while providing users with ethical image derivatives. Learn more about Waterlily via Forbes and Silicon Angle coverage!
IPC Subnet support comes to Filecoin Spacenet
Interplanetary Consensus (IPC) went live on Spacenet on April 20th, making it possible for builders and users to create FVM-capable, interoperable subnets with fast finality and high throughput. IPC is part of the community’s strategy for providing the network capacity to cope with the influx of FVM applications, as well as enabling use cases that require performance in excess of what the Filecoin root chain can support. Read the launch blogpost for additional pointers and to try out IPC on its road to mainnet deployment later this year.
Thetanuts Filecoin Covered Call Vaults
We are excited for Thetanuts to join the Filecoin community! Learn more about opportunities for FIL holders to deposit FIL into Thetanuts Finance covered call vault strategy and learn more about the strategy at Thetanuts Finance docs.
Dev Grant Spotlight: Encloud
Encloud is creating an off-the-shelf web services portal for the decentralized cloud. With support from a Filecoin Foundation developer grant, the team is building privacy services at scale for data on IPFS and Filecoin. Read more about encloud’s work on the Filecoin Foundation blog.
Filecoin Client Explorer
Curious which clients are onboarding data to Filecoin? Check out the new Filecoin Client Explorer, which spotlights the 1450+ clients storing 850 PiBs on the network and allows the community to view real-time and historical information about client data storage on the Filecoin Network.
ConsensusDays is back!
Consensus is at the heart of blockchain networks but its scalability remains an Achilles’ heel. Join us on June 5-6 for the third edition of ConsensusDays, a virtual workshop focused on the latest research in consensus and adjacent topics. The program for this year counts 20 peer-reviewed contributions plus invited talks from Zarko Milosevic and Aggelos Kiayias. Get your free ticket now!
Funding the Commons, July 15-16
The 6th edition of Funding the Commons will take place on 15-16 July with the beautiful backdrop of Paris, France. This installation of Funding the Commons is timed as the perfect complement to the Ethereum Community Conference, which takes place the following day and just a short walk from the university. Paris will be our key in-person event during 2023 and will be unique in its incorporation of open space technology and other unconference-style programming, in addition to keynote speakers and panel discussions. This format will enable even more connection amongst participants, and lead to the formation of new collaborations and projects. Apply to attend or apply to speak on the official website. We look forward to seeing you in Paris!
Thanks for Joining the Filecoin Community in Austin
Last week, more than 600 people made the Filecoin Network Base in Austin their home base to work, learn, and connect with the Filecoin community. Over three days, the community gathered to discuss the future of gaming, the latest cryptoeconomic research, and updates from across the Filecoin network. Then, Filecoin Foundation presented Protocol Village at Consensus, where developers explored the future of top chains. Were you on the ground in Austin? Drop us a line and tell us about your favorite moment from Consensus week in Austin.
#SBSTwitter AMA 4 - #SBSBoston Recap
The Sustainable Blockchain Summit aims to drive projects that align the global economy with the natural world. In case you missed SBS Boston or want to continue your conversations and connections, join us for a Twitter Spaces on Tuesday, May 9th at 2pm ET for a recap of the IRL event plus more exciting SBS news, mark your calendars!