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Filecoin News 86

✨ Highlights ✨

FIL Dev Summit is back in Brussels this summer!

Join us at the upcoming FIL Dev Summit, set for July 9-11, 2024, in the heart of Brussels at the Radisson, Grand Place. This vital summit brings together developers, innovators, and enthusiasts from the Filecoin community to dive deep into the future of decentralized storage technology. Whether you’re looking to enhance your technical skills, contribute to the Filecoin protocol, or engage in transformative discussions, FDS is your gateway to advancing the blockchain frontier. A select number of early bird tickets are available at 50% off now through May 9th, grab yours now! Plus check out the event website for a peek at the schedule.

The Nv22 Dragon Upgrade is complete

After several months of planning and iteration, Filecoin nv22 Dragon upgrade has launched on mainnet, a pivotal development in the network’s progression. This upgrade marks a notable transition as it’s the first to occur under our new prescheduled upgrade structure.

The nv22 Dragon upgrade introduces a suite of improvements and changes aimed at enhancing the network’s efficiency, reliability, and user experience. Furthermore, this upgrade brings together a set of strategic enhancements to refine the network’s operational dynamics. Notably, the upgrade enhances network security and integrity through the adoption of a more robust randomness source, improving the reliability and predictability of the network. Additionally, it introduces a shift towards manual deal settlement, providing Storage Providers with increased control and flexibility in managing deal payments. This change is instrumental in reducing the computational burden on the network, thereby enhancing its scalability. Learn more with Molly Mackinlay in this video.

Just released: Messari’s State of Filecoin Q1 2024

Messari recently released the Filecoin Q1'24 report revealing growth in both the Filecoin storage market and DeFi ecosystem. Active deals increased by 9% quarter-over-quarter (QoQ), with 23% of storage capacity utilized. Over 2,000 clients have onboarded data on Filecoin, including 508 handling large datasets, up from 465 in Q4'23. The Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) ecosystem also expanded, with over 3,400 unique contracts deployed. Besides growing the FVM ecosystem, the ecosystem is focusing on increasing enterprise adoption in the near term, and on developing DePIN partnerships to leverage idle compute in the longer term. Check out the full report

🤝 Community Updates 🤝

DeStor partners with Seal Storage and leading universities on AI data integrity research

DeStor and Seal Storage technology recently announced their collaboration with Cyber SMART on a pioneering AI research project to explore ways to improve AI data integrity. The project, Trustworthy Generative AI for Secure System Operation, will explore how decentralized storage can be used to ensure trustworthiness in generative AI/ML applications. Read the full announcement to learn more.

Support NFT.Storage’s Growth: Make a Small Donation, Create Big Impact

Support is needed for NFT.Storage in this current Gitcoin round, featuring a $300,000 matching pool. A small donation, even as little as $1, can make a significant difference. Gitcoin emphasizes the potential impact of contributions with their statement: “GG20 is your opportunity to seed the next generation of high impact builders—to Fund What Matters to YOU & get your donation multiplied through the power of Quadratic Funding.” Contributions to NFT.Storage can be made here. To keep up with NFT.Storage and their progress, follow them on Twitter, @NFTdotStorage.

A wrap on the IPC Data Economy Hack

Over the past two months, IPC and DoraHacks witnessed an impressive turnout of 126 BUIDL teams from around the globe participating in the Data Economy Hackathon, delving deep into and building upon the Protocol Labs Ecosystem tech stack. This hackathon has served as a platform for the brightest minds to come together and push the boundaries of what’s possible in web3. Check out the grand prize winners: 

  1. DataNexus: By forging connections between data demand and supply in a secure, transparent, and decentralized manner, DataNexus pioneers a new data marketplace – one that finally puts power back into the hands of individuals. Our solution transforms how data is traded in the digital age. 
  2. Monas: Monas is a Decentralized Personal Data Store (PDS) designed to empower Data controllers with data sovereignty.Under the current circumstances, state-of-the-art technologies like the Semantic Web, Self-Sovereign Identity, and Blockchains are possible to solve the issues of data interoperability and of user-centric data management.
  3. SciFiles: SciFiles revolutionizes scientific publishing by monetizing and decentralizing the review process, ensuring secure, open access to articles. This platform eliminates censorship, allowing knowledge to flow freely worldwide, while incentivizing thorough reviews that elevate research quality and reliability.

Check out the rest of the prize winners and more information on the hackathon on the DoraHacks official site.

🛠️ Tools 🛠️

Fast PoRep: Accelerating Filecoin’s Retrieval Market

A new FIP introduces “Fast PoRep,” a mechanism designed to facilitate faster retrieval from the Filecoin network by offering a second type of proof. This proof reduces the number of SDR layers or employs other mechanisms, improving sealing and unsealing speed while requiring a higher initial pledge per unit of storage to maintain security. The proposal aims to address Filecoin’s current retrieval delays and make the network more usable, balancing security and performance, and supporting various storage providers with different PoRep options. Learn more and join the discussion!

🎉 Events 🎉

Filecoin Ecosystem at FIL Hong Kong: AI, DePIN, FVM, and More

The Filecoin ecosystem was on full display at FIL Hong Kong, hosted by ND Labs and supported by Filecoin Foundation. Hundreds of attendees from around the world gathered in the burgeoning Web3 hub of Hong Kong to explore the latest developments in the Filecoin ecosystem and envision the future of decentralized storage. Spread across three days of talks and presentations, reps from many exciting projects built on the Filecoin network came together to share their latest developments in decentralized AI tech, decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePIN), and Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) projects. Check out the full event recap.

Looking for the latest in the Protocol Labs Network? 

Look no further! Protocol Labs is excited to invite you to EngRes The Gathering, a monthly event that brings together engineers, researchers, and community members across Protocol Labs network companies and projects to share the latest breakthroughs and updates happening across our space. ​EngRes The Gathering showcases various project teams within Protocol Labs Network and aims to create an open space for both technical deep dives and demos about the latest upgrades in peer-to-peer and content addressing technology. Join the next one on May 30th - grab your spot!

Filecoin is an open-source cloud storage marketplace, protocol, and incentive layer.